Agile Programming
Everyone talks about their Lean and agile approach to software development, but in most cases successful, efficient software engineering needs something more… experience and leadership. That’s STA Group.
High-level Results
We utilize the Agile development methodology that offers STA’s clients a high-level of engagement and rapid development results that are iterated to maintain clear direction.
STA has experience building complex applications in a time efficient and cost effective manner. The Solution Delivery Agile process maximizes the ability to:
Optimize development team productivity
Minimize risks
Ensure end-user satisfaction and support
Integrate in with client teams in a flexible and efficient manner
Guarantee extremely high code and test coverage
Deliver high-value working software to end-users rapidly and iteratively
Deliver the needed business and technology results
STA has experience working as part of in-sourcing, near-sourcing and out-outsourcing structures in multiple roles. Our clients determine the optimal structure for them.

Application Security Architecture
Using our Application Security Architecture (ASA), we can help you build your J2EE application with security at every level, including your business domain objects. ASA is a Role-Based-Access-Control framework that extends the traditional RBAC model to include Permission based access control with real-time contextual rule evaluation. This allows you to protect your business domain objects with fine-grain authorizations, not just role-based URL end-points.
ASA provides a full feature administration console to manage and configure all aspects of your security model. It also provides Spring Security integration components to seamlessly integrate with Spring Security and your Spring-based application. You can apply your ASA fine-grain authorizations to existing code with minimal impact.
Our Approach

Development Sprints
We encourage our clients to designate a 100% allocated product owner, who identifies what work is to be done as a prioritized product backlog. At the beginning of each sprint, our team pulls in enough items from the top of the backlog that can be completed during a sprint based on our experience. Each day our team meets to coordinate the work for the day surface impediments to meeting the day’s goals. Throughout the engagement, the Scrum Master keeps the team focused and removes impediments. At the end of each sprint, the team demonstrates the work completed during the sprint to the product owner and all work completed is production-ready. We repeat these sprints until we have completed the project and have driven success for our client.