Big Data
Gathering, managing and analyzing the massive volumes of data that virtually every enterprise must deal with has created whole new disciplines in technology. Our seasoned experts can guide you through all aspects of the widely recognized asset of Big Data.
Design, Development & Deployment
STA Group started in 2001 by attracting world class lead developers, IT architects, and senior consultants from a wide range of industries. Our engagements have grown from providing technical assistance and mentorship to comprehensive support of the application lifecycle, analysis and design of enterprise architectures, and managing the return on investment in technology.
In the Big Data space, which is now expanding faster than ever, STA Group is passionate about providing expertise in design, development, validation and deployment of big data solutions – including sophisticated statistical computing and analytics. STA Group can adapt cloud-based and non-cloud big data solutions tailored exactly to fit your requirements, using patterns that are proven with our largest clients.
Our capabilities span all significant technologies and platforms, including streaming data source tools such as Kafka, Storm, Flume, and RabbitMQ; enterprise data lakes using Hadoop/YARN, MapReduce, Spark, Cassandra, HDFS, Hbase, and Parquet. We’ve built special purpose data marts in Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Open Source database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB). We are experts in universal data access tools such as Hive and Pig, and sophisticated analysis and visualization (statistics) tools including SAS, SparkR, SparkML (Machine Learning), Tableau, and Pentaho BIETL.
Our Agile Approach
STA Group has experience building complex big data applications in a time efficient and cost effective manner. The Solution Delivery Agile process maximizes the ability to:
Optimize development team productivity
Minimize risks
Ensure end-user satisfaction and support
Integrate in with client teams in a flexible and efficient manner
Guarantee extremely high code and test coverage
Deliver high-value working software to end-users rapidly and iteratively
Deliver the needed business and technology results
STA Group has experience working as part of in-sourcing, near-sourcing and out-outsourcing structures in multiple roles. Our clients determine the optimal structure for them.
Big Data Development Methodology
Big Data Sprints
We encourage our clients to designate a 100% allocated product owner, who identifies what work is to be done as a prioritized product backlog. At the beginning of each sprint, our team pulls in enough items from the top of the backlog that can be completed during a sprint based on our experience. Each day our team meets to coordinate the work for the day surface impediments to meeting the day’s goals. Throughout the engagement, the Scrum Master keeps the team focused and removes impediments. At the end of each sprint, the team demonstrates the work completed during the sprint to the product owner and all work completed is production-ready. We repeat these sprints until we have completed the project.